Dinghy Coaching 1 to 1
Dinghy Coaching 1 to 1
Slaughden Sailing Club have 10 RYA qualified Dinghy Instructors who are all volunteers. The club introduced a 1 to 1 dinghy coaching programme in 2018 with the following aims
- Offer the opportunity to familiarise members with the river
- Offer the opportunity to gain confidence on the river
- Refresher training for members returning to the sport
- Offer the opportunity to use club boats if deemed suitably qualified
The club are keen to support the development of members to become competent sailors and contribute to members desires to learn to sail for those with limited experience.
Subject to the availability of an instructor adult members can benefit from a maximum of 2 free sessions per membership on the river. The only request if using club boats is that the member pays for the hire of the club boat, where applicable, irrespective of when the sessions occur.
Feedback from members that have participated in these sessions has been extremely positive. On several occasions requests for extended coaching have been received. To accommodate such requests and subject to instructor availability the following option exists
A fee of £20 per session will apply plus the cost of hiring a club boat where applicable. A session can be 2 or more hours on the water. In turn this will enable the instructor to submit expenses claim to the club for costs incurred, such as travelling.
Junior one to one training will continue to be free both for tuition and boat hire.
How do I book a session with a Dinghy Instructor?
- 1.In the first instance please e mail training@slaughdensailingclub.co.uk to include your details and an outline of your requirements, availability and sailing ability.
- 2.Thereafter the training officer will canvas the availability of Dinghy Instructors and agree with an instructor to engage with you direct.
- 3.Timings should be agreed between yourself and the instructor up to a maximum of 2 sessions as outlined above.
- 4.Following confirmation from the dinghy instructor to the club a boat hire invoice will be issued to the member.
- 5.If extended coaching sessions are required, please repeat step 1 above.
Last updated 20:40 on 23 December 2021