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Commodore's Blogs

  • Commodores Blog - April 2024

    24 Commodores Blog April 2024.pdf

  • Commodore's Christmas Reflections - December 2021

    This is my first communication with the membership since being voted in as the new Commodore at the Annual General Meeting held in November. Luckily, we were able to hold the event in the club house together with the prize giving ceremony and the laying up supper. It was a very jolly occasion and a big thank you to everyone who helped make it so.

    There are a number of new members on the management committee as well as some new faces who will be carrying out the non-committee tasks. I would like to particularly welcome James Heeley as the new Membership Secretary and Fay Allen as Committee Member without portfolio- it is great to have two previous Juniors on the committee. Brief biographies with photographs (!) of the committee members will appear in the next edition of "Slaughden Sails".

    Talking of "Slaughden Sails", I am sure that the editor, Terence Sheppey would like some articles, stories and photographs for future editions- his email address is so please do send them to him.

    Adam Davies- Brown is our new Social Secretary and together with Tony Ellison (Rear Commodore Dinghies) and Dawns Samuels (Club Coordinator) and others they are busy putting together a programme for 2022 of races, cruises, picnics and other social and sailing events. The first draft of the programme will be on the club's web site very soon so please do have a look.

    I have been reminded that when the Support/ Patrol Boats are on duty, whether for formal calendar events or informal occasions, they should be crewed by two people, one of whom should be RYA Safety Boat Qualified and the other a RYA Power Boat Level 2 Qualified Helm.

    I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and let's hope that the 2022 season will be as normal as possible.

    Robert Tindall

    21st December 2021

  • Commodores Blog End June 2021

    A further extension to COVID regulations means pre June 21st rules continue to apply.

    Race events continue to be well supported with a big thankyou to all those that have volunteered for Safety and Power boat duties and OOD. Without such support formal racing would not be able to proceed. On the topic of support it is evident that a few members are doing an awful lot in particular with regard Patrol boat support and OOD. Leslie Downing for example has now covered more than 10 of the events as OOD so far this year.

    With so many qualified Power and Safety boat drivers it is baffling to understand why filling roster duties has become so difficult. If drivers can share back what the issues are that are preventing them populating events perhaps we can provide some assistance.

    The outcome of our open day was very encouraging. From early May when we started to promote the event to date we have secured 6 new memberships, in total 14 members. This was made up of 3 new family memberships and 3 new single memberships. In addition we had 2 further family memberships that decided to re-join the club. Subsequently we continue to receive enquiries and have enrolled 2 more family memberships and one single membership classified outside of the Open day event. Our records show in 2021 that we have surpassed the reported high's of 2020.

    In terms of training June also saw the club running an RYA L1 / 2 Power boat course where club members Holly and Joseph Williams qualified, both keen to join the Power boat roster.

    Just a reminder to boat owners to keep the grounds around their boat tidy. We have had a lot of rain and sun so the weeds have gone rampant. Please put some time in to keep the grounds tidy and if you are on a run why not be kind to your boat neighbours.

    A reminder as well that boat covers need to be in good order. The club have had to dispose of a couple of boat covers that have, over time, been shredded by the wind.

    Finally a thankyou to Caron Hill and Victoria Cozens who managed a Slipway wash during June. The next one is Wednesday 21st July if anyone is interested.

    What to look out for in July 2021

    Planned road works leading to Slaughden club 12th to 16th July

    • Cruisers High Summer Cruise Wednesday 14th July to Sunday 25th July
    • Cruisers Weekend Cruise Saturday 31st July
    • Cruisers Ladies Helm Cruise Saturday 31st July
    • RYA L1 Dinghy Course 10th / 11th July - Fully Booked.
    • Visit from Deben Kayak Club 10th July
    • RYA Club Inspection 10th July
    • Slipway Washdown Wednesday 21st July Volunteers needed
    • Committee Meeting Thursday 22nd July
    • Visit from HPYC Cruisers Monday 26th July
    • Racing every Sunday Pursuit series
    • Racing every Thursday Presidents Cup 2021
    • Informal sailing and kayaking every Tuesday from 6pm
    • RYA Dinghy Instructor Course delayed from 17th July to 31st July
  • Commodores Blog End August 2021

    Congratulations to our juniors in the AYC Regatta. They performed extremely well bringing
    home some cups and prizes in both the Feva class and handicap races. The event was well
    attended by about 8 of our juniors with daily support from parents and club members. Photo'
    can be seen on our face book page.
    Likewise for the Adult Regatta the club were well supported in the Laser and handicap class
    where we secured a win. Great that members can find time to represent the club.
    We also held a very successful free BBQ for existing and new members that was attended
    by circa 70 people and probably one of the best attended events we have had for many
    years. The weather was kind to us that evening so we could spread out and mingle in the
    grounds. There was a great array of food and the burgers kept coming thanks to all those
    that took a turn on the BBQ. A further thankyou to all those members that helped set up and
    clear away.
    The raffle on the night was hugely successful due to some very persuasive techniques and
    members left with some great prizes. The income raised from the raffle was similar to the
    cost of providing the free BBQ so a satisfactory night all round.
    We were also able to qualify 3 new Safety Boat drivers and a Power boat driver during
    August which should greatly help with populating the roster through to the end of the
    We also welcomed the Old Gaffers Association for a weekend sail which they thoroughly
    enjoyed with thanks going to Stephen and Anne for hosting this event. This is now the third
    year that the OGA have visited the club, so we welcome them back in 2022.
    Terry S produced a great Newsletter during August where we were able to keep members
    up to date with any developments at the club. If you have not received your copy by mail,
    then please go to the website where a version is stored. We will also be putting in copies in
    the clubhouse.
    The cruisers were also able to get away and have been having a great time on their Summer
    Cruise around local waters. Don't forget if you want to join in a day's cruising then just let
    Paul Eaton know and this can be arranged.
    Our one-to-one coaching sessions with our qualified Dinghy Instructors are proving
    extremely popular in helping members build confidence and get onto the river. A huge
    thankyou to these instructors who as volunteers are finding the time to spare to satisfy the
    demand. Details on how to organise these sessions are outlined in the Newsletter.
    Look out for an RYA L1 & L2 Dinghy course that we are organising in September. There are
    still some vacant positions if you would like to try your hand at the art of sailing.

    What to look out for in September 2021
    Committee Meeting 2nd September
    Autumn Cruise Friday 10th to 14th September
    RYA L1 / 2 Dinghy Course Friday 17th (pm) Saturday 18th / Sunday 19th September
    Slipway Washdown Saturday 18th September, Volunteers needed

  • Commodores Blog End September 2021

    That felt like a quick summer and now we have arrived at autumn. You would expect sailing to now ease off, but the real enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the launch of 'Casual Sailing' every Saturday from October 9th. The format, open to all members, is a get together to sail in a relaxed atmosphere with Safety Boat cover. A mailing will be sent to all members and details will appear in the calendar on the site.

    Great to see that we were able to run two RYA training courses during September. An RYA Power Boat course and an RYA L1 & L2 Dinghy course. That concludes formal courses for this year as we re-group and look at our learnings on how we can organise these courses better going forward.

    The focus switches at this time of year to the upcoming AGM. This always creates an increased level of correspondence both within Committee and out to members. In particular a recruitment drive to fill any vacant positions. When members join the club there is an expectation (requirement) that as a volunteer club member at some stage should contribute to the running and upkeep of the club. A churn in the Committee can enable fresh ideas to be explored and help the club to re-focus upon its direction to retain existing and attract new members.

    It may never have been in your lifetime scope to be an active part of the club Committee, but I overcame a fear of judgement and went for it and have found the experience extremely rewarding. Did I know I was suitable or capable, not at all but you grow into the role.

    My request is to have the confidence to give this a go and follow through by finding out about roles that you could fulfil. You will see a number of mailings to members leading up to the AGM so apologies in advance for the avalanche of postings.

    Do not forget the Wednesday evening talks have now started so please do come along as speakers have taken the time to prepare their talks and given up their time to attend.

    What to look forward to October 2021

    • Dinghy Racing Start of the Frosties Series Every Sunday 3rd / 10th / 17th/ 24th / 31st October
    • Wednesday evening talks
    • Committee Meeting Thursday 7th October from 6.30 pm
    • Launch of Casual Sailing every Saturday from 9th October
    • Dinghy Park Tie Down Work Party - Saturday 30st October from 9 am to 12.00

    AGM Saturday 6th November and Social evening please book your place on the site.

  • Commodores Blog End May 2021

    Well done to everyone that attended the Slaughden RYA Discover Sailing open day on Sunday 23rd May. We had a good flow of people interested in the club and what it has to offer. A number of these have subsequently become members enabling the club to exceed its 2020 membership numbers which were reporting a 5 year high.

    It sounds as if it was a good call to focus upon a land-based event as I understand wind conditions were challenging on the day.

    Following a committee meeting in May there was a majority vote to install an entry keypad on the pedestrian gate. Further details will be shared with members by separate mail.


    June 21st is the trigger point when all constraints are due be lifted and life at the club returns to normal. This is all subject to the stats as we approach this date and any further announcements from the Government and advice from the RYA.

    Please visit the calendar to see what events are planned.

    A thankyou to Chris Allen who has been working on getting the wind sensor and installing a temperature probe so members can get a better feel for the elements on site. Both Chris and Eric Spicer are also working on upgrading the website to enable members to have remote access to wind, tide, and temperature information.

    Robert Tindall continues to battle on with the Shoreline defence project which has more twists and turns than the River Alde. It appears as if we are getting a sense for what is appropriate for this project based upon our findings and in keeping with policies and budgets. If you would like any further information on this project, please refer to Robert direct.

    Congratulations to Tony and Hannah Ellison who recently passed their RYA Power Boat L2 certificate, a requirement to support their efforts to qualify as Dinghy Instructors.

    The club also held an online, virtual First Aid course that went very well (Part 1)

    Well done to Adam and Penny Davies Brown who are enroute in their cruiser to Cornwall and maybe the Isles of Scilly. Anyone interested in joining cruisers then please refer to Paul Eaton our Rear Commodore Cruising.

    What to look out for in June 2021

    • Cruisers Mid Summer Cruise Monday 14th June to Sunday 20th to Essex Waters
    • RYA L2 Power Boat Course 19th / 20th Fully Booked.
    • Slip way Washdown Tuesday 22nd June 14.00 to 17.00 Volunteers needed
    • Cruisers Late June Cruise Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July
    • Racing every Sunday Pursuit series
    • Racing every Thursday Presidents Cup 2021
    • Informal sailing and kayaking every Tuesday from 6pm
  • Commodores Blog End July 2021

    Hopefully we will have seen the 'almost' final notice regarding our COVID position. It has been challenging to keep all members up to date, but we can look back and reflect the fact that the timely safety measures put in place have worked effectively. A big thankyou to the COVID team and members for following the advice.

    Summer is here and we are witnessing an increase in numbers in and around the town. Please ensure that you display your SSC parking stickers. We suspect that the free parking outside of our boundaries will be in demand with the potential to overspill onto club slots. You may have noticed we are now using our portable parking signs to great effect.

    The significant event for the club in July was our RYA Inspection to ensure our operating conditions comply with RYA standards. I am pleased to report that the club were fully complaint and passed this inspection. This enables the club to continue as a Regional Training Centre (RTC) and to deliver RYA courses.

    July has been a month of training with an overdue but successful RYA L1 dinghy course and an informal spinnaker masterclass for the juniors prior to the RYA Regatta. In addition, at the end of July we have the final part of the RYA dinghy instructor course which will hopefully see four more members qualify as Dinghy Instructors.

    Good luck to all the Slaughden juniors entering the AYC Junior Regatta. Please go along and support them on their way.

    It has been noted that Kayak storage space has been extremely tight. This is a topic that dinghy park management are addressing. In the meantime, and to remind, as per membership fees published on the website, all Kayak's stored in the dinghy park will attract a fee even if they are stored beneath or on top of an owner's dinghy. All Kayaks in the park should be brought to the attention of Tony Ellison our dinghy park manager.

    Don't forget to sign up for the Dinghy Work Party on Friday 6th August from 10am. Refer to Simon Cusworth on <>

    What to look out for in August 2021

    • Topper Challenge Sunday 1st August from 11am
    • Dinghy Park Work Party Friday August 6th from 10am
    • Little Japan race and picnic Saturday 7th August from 11.30am (New time)
    • AYC Junior Regatta 8th to 12th August
    • Informal sail through Stanny Creek Saturday 14th August from 16.00 hours
    • Note Dove Point race and Picnic has been cancelled on 14th August
    • Free BBQ at Slaughden Saturday 14th August from 18.30
    • Cruisers Summer Holiday cruise from Thursday 12th August to 22nd August
    • Slipway Washdown Thursday 19th August from 14.00
    • Old Gaffers Association visiting weekend Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd August
    • Dinghy team race relay Sunday 22nd from 14.00
    • Cruise August public holiday cruise Friday 27th to 30th August
  • Commodores Blog End April 2021

    Training has been the main topic in April.5 members of SSC undertook Part 1 of a Dinghy Instructor course in difficult conditions, but all performed extremely well and will proceed onto Part 2 when mix households should be possible. Upon completion this will really bolster our pool of resources to support the running of RYA Dinghy courses.

    On the topic of RYA courses we are pleased to announce that we have concluded an RYA L1 dinghy course that appears to be almost fully booked with 10 students. This course will be well supported by our existing and hopefully our new. to be. Dinghy Instructors.

    One of our existing Dinghy Instructors will be attending a pre assessment to hopefully enrol on a course to become a Senior Instructor. This is a role that we are lacking at the club and where there is a National shortage.

    We also ran a Power Boat refresher course in April and will be running a limited Power boat course early May to support two members that need to secure this qualification as part of their Dinghy Instructor course.

    A message to all Safety and Power boat drivers to access the Duty Roster and cover several gaps we have in the roster. May is looking noticeably light and requires names to cover the various events.

    Finally, Dawn has arranged for a First Aid course in May as we have several members undertaking roster duties who current First Aid has expired.

    Its good to see dinghy racing getting off to such a good start. On average there are 10 dinghies competing in each weekend race which is great and would be fabulous if we can get this to 15.

    A big thankyou to Ken and Alison Barnetson and to Adam Davies Brown for installing and repairing the fence alongside the boatyard. Between these three over a weekend, they were able to complete this task.

    SLAUGHDEN OPEN DAY we are opening the club on Sunday 23rd May from 11am to 4pm to encourage people to come and talk to us about the club, what we offer and membership. We are not planning to take people onto the water but to spend time with visitors and share our passion for the club. The more members we have on site on the day the more time we can spend talking to our visitors. If you can spare some time on 23rd please let Dawn know on or give Dawn a call.

    What to look out for in May 2021

    • Racing every Sunday and Thursday see calendar.
    • Tuesday evening Informal sailing and Kayaking from 18.00 hours.
    • First Aid course Tuesday 11th May (Part 1)
    • May Cruise Saturday 15th May
    • Committee meeting Thursday 20th May
    • Slipway Washdown Saturday 22nd May Volunteers wanted
    • Slaughden Open Day Sunday 23rd May from 11am
    • May Public Holiday Cruise Saturday 29th May
    • Look out for Novice races and Pop-up races during May refer calendar.
  • Commodores Blog End February 2021

    We are closing out the few outstanding renewals for 2021 allowing the Committee to gain a clear view of our financial position for 2021. If you have not yet renewed your membership please access the website and review your invoice. We have some expenses coming up that you can read about below.

    It feels like the big thaw in more ways than one as we approach Springtime. On the COVID front if you are visiting the club after the 29th March please continue to sign in online or complete the book that is kept in the club. There continues to be a limit in terms of groups, no more than 6 individuals whilst Social distancing remains. Please adhere to the signs that are in and around the club. In the meantime the stay at home rule applies.

    Two very sad items of news to report this month. The loss of Peter Downing, a member of SSC for many years and brother of Leslie Downing. Peter kindly donated one of our training Wayfarers 'Pluto' to the club which has helped qualify many students over the years.

    We were also shocked to learn of the death of Andrew Smith who had a tragic accident whilst out kite surfing off Walberswick beach. Andrew was an RYA qualified kite surf Instructor and an expert in his chosen sport. Andrew has been a member of SSC for several years and often helped on our open days.

    Our condolences go out to the families of both Peter and Andrew at this difficult time.

    For those that receive and read the RYA Magazine you may have noticed in the Spring publication an article celebrating the achievement of Leslie Downing who was awarded the RYA Francis Elkin award for services to disabled people, that was well deserved.

    Club News

    The modification to the entrance into the Ladies changing room has been completed, we hope that you like the result.

    The big project on the drawing board at the moment is to protect our foreshore and tidy up this section of the club. This is a complicated project due to the number of agencies that need to be consulted. However, we are fortunate that this project is in the very capable hands of Robert Tindall, our V. Commodore, qualified in dealing with such matters.

    Finally, we are intending to repair and replace the fence alongside Upsons yard. This will be a volunteer driven project so keep a look out for an invite to support.

  • Commodores Blog End March 2021

    The first race in our calendar is due to take place on Saturday 11th April at 11am following several false starts linked to the pandemic. Racing can be in single handed dinghies or double handed dinghies maned by households. We would ask that you arrive at the club for races earlier than normal to ensure there are sufficient distancing when launching. Likewise, upon return to the club if there a few boats arriving at the slipway hold off until the area is clear to the recover your dinghies.

    All being well the sailing season will then continue most weekends and Thursday pm.

    For members visiting the club please ensure that you do not exceed a cluster of 6 people and maintain social distancing where mixed households or individuals are involved.

    Please refer to the duty roster to help with Safety / Power boat cover and OOD duties. The programme has now been populated in the calendar throughout the year. Both patrol boats have had their annual service in March with the main rib Harry D2 being antifouled thanks to Leslie Downing and Andy Smith.

    There is an organised gathering for the Dinghy work parties which are restricting in numbers to 6. I am pleased to announce that the work party on Saturday 10th April and the work party on Wednesday 21st April are both fully subscribed. A big thank you to Simon Cusworth for organising these work parties.

    IF you have missed out on these work parties then there is still a chance to get involved as a third work party is in the calendar for Saturday 1st May so please go onto the Roster and volunteer or speak to Simon direct on 07743611086

    In addition there is a Fence repair work party on the following dates where volunteers are required.

    Saturday 18th / Sunday 19th and Saturday 24th April, all starting at 9.30. Please email to join any of these groups.

    We also have 2 slots vacant for the Slipway washdown on Saturday 24th April that can be booked via the Duty Roster.

    .and finally there is a pre- season Club boat maintenance day being organised by our BOSUN Andy Smith on Sunday 4th April from 10am . Andy would appreciate help in checking that the Club boats are fit for purpose. Please e mail if you can assist.

    As you can see above a variety of events underway to get the club ship shape for the 2021. We are a volunteer club that relies upon all members to undertake one or more tasks throughout the year.

    What is in the calendar for April 2021

    • Committee meeting Thursday 1st April
    • Dinghy Instructor Part 1 qualifications (5 club members enrolled) Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th April
    • Sunday and Thursday pm racing refer to calendar
    • Work Parties as above, refer to the calendar
    • Dinghy Shake Out Sail refer to the calendar all welcome
    • Tuesday evening Informal Sailing starts on 11th May from 6pm.
  • Commodores Blog End January 2021

    We venture into 2021 hopeful that we will see a return to normal before Summer arrives. These continue to be challenging times for all age groups so let us stay safe, continue to respect latest guidance and ride out the next few months with better times in sight.

    By now you should have all had an invite to renewal your membership. The cut off for payment is end of January 2021. Payments options include Stripe online, BACS or Cheque. If you are stuck in any way, then just drop an e mail to

    The Committee would like to thank all those members that have renewed their membership. It was really encouraging that renewals started coming through from early December 2020 which is always a good sign.

    The Committee chose not to increase membership fees for 2021. Members are reminded that should they not renew in 2021 then in accordance with the Constitution their joining fee will expire and need to be repaid if they choose to join in a future year.

    What has been happening in the background since appointment of the Committee.

    The club have launched a Major project to review our position with regard our foreshore. Our 25-year foreshore lease from the Crown is coming up for renewal in the coming years so the Committee have decided to pull forward the renewal to justify future expense related to repair and maintenance. Robert Tindall our Vice Commodore is leading this project and making excellent progress in clarifying our position with the Crown and other official bodies.

    A task force has been formed and several ideas discussed. The primary aim is to protect our foreshore (and creek) whilst clarifying our position to widen the slipway and consideration of a jetty / pontoon.

    The club are still searching for a Membership Secretary. If you would like to be part of the Committee and fulfil this role then please refer to the Commodore or Committee member for further details.

    Populating a programme of events requires a very fluid approach. The Committee have created a programme for 2021 with a series of race events and work parties. Please refer to the website for details and be aware that the programme will change in accordance with Government guidelines linked to COVID.

    So, what can we look forward to in the first quarter 2020?

    • Thursday 4th February Committee meeting


  • Commodores Blog End December 2020

    A Merry Christmas to you all and here is looking forward to a better 2021 although sadly the programme for 2021 has not started as we would have wanted. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID regulations we have had to cancel the Antic Artic race and social on January 1st, 2021.Hopefully, this is a blip and assuming the various vaccines prove effective then 2021 should see us back on course.

    The new Committee met in December over Zoom and yet again we have an enthusiastic team keen to continue the good work of previous committee members. We are still without a Membership Secretary (all enquiries welcome) but did formerly vote in Jessica Palin as our Honorary Secretary whilst Helen Allen kindly stepped forward to take on the role of Safeguarding (in addition to her role as Kayak rep)

    The new Committee have several ideas which should deliver an exciting programme for 2021 but for now we are taking this step by step with regard the content of the programme. Please refer to the website calendar where some details have been populated. One big aspiration would be to satisfy the demand we have for both dinghy and power boat training. We have the resources to organise and deliver these programmes so just need to ensure we are in the clear to execute.

    You would have received your renewal notices for 2021 which is due for payment by end January 2021. Many thanks to all those members that have already paid their subscription particularly those that have paid by Stripe, at a glance we have probably received between 30 to 40% of annual subscriptions for 2021 which is great for our finances and also a good indication of 2021 membership numbers.

    During January 2021 we expect the long-awaited change to the entrance of the ladies changing room to be completed. You may also notice around the dinghy park improvements to the marking of boat positions thanks to Tony Ellison our Dinghy Park Supervisor. Tony is slowly working his way around the park embedding a new numbering system.

    For now, enjoy the rest of 2020 and have a pleasant new year celebration. By the way if you need some ideas for New Year's resolutions then don't forget more time on the water and to attend a club social.


    What can we look forward to in January 2021?

    Artic Antic Race on January 1st, 2021 - Cancelled

    Please refer to the website calendar for future events in 2021.

  • Commodores Blog November 2020

    I outlined in my AGM address to members 'a different format but hopefully an effective outcome'. The structure seemed to work, and the event seemed to go very smoothly. Voting attracted a higher number of responses than we would normally receive at a physical AGM albeit limited opportunity for debate. Let us hope the 2021 AGM returns to normal with an added feature to include online voting.

    The excellent news is the fact that we have fulfilled all the Flag Officer roles on Committee with Jessica Palin stepping in at the last minute to take on the Honorary Secretary role. Likewise, most of the General Committee roles were filed apart from the key role of Membership Secretary. Any member interested in filling this position please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Our first new Committee meeting is planned for December where we will discuss ways of working given, we have a new Vice Commodore / Commodore in waiting role.

    The big task remaining is the creation of the 2021 Calendar. Dawn Samuels as club coordinator is pulling this together, she would welcome any ideas that you may have regarding events that you would like to see in the calendar.

    So, we have had to impose a November lockdown which I am sure is frustrating for some. However, it looks like we can lift this lockdown in December and then maybe close it once more as we go into January 2021. It is not clear at this stage whether the Antic Artic race can go ahead on January 01, details to follow.

    Please look out for a notice regarding the renewal process for 2021. It is really important that you let know as soon as possible in November, early December whether there are ANY changes to your membership arrangements for 2021.

    What can we look forward to in December?

    Membership Renewals -

    December 3rd Initial Committee Meeting

    January 01 @ 11am - Antic Artic Race subject to COVID

    Come along to this event (even if you are not sailing) for a New Year's Day drink, some nibbles and to meet fellow members.

    Easy Funding Please note the link in the recent note circulated to members needs to be cut and pasted into your browser to access Easy Funding for Slaughden. Subsequently we have now added a link at the foot of the Slaughden webpage which will take you straight to the account.

    Please note that there is no December Christmas function planned for this year.

  • Commodores Blog October 2020

    Its been an extremely busy month with preparations underway to deliver a successful AGM on 7th November 2020. A completely different approach for Committee that has required a lot of planning and thought so hopefully it will all go well.

    One ask from members is to commit to spend a few minutes to vote for the proposed Constitutional amendments. We have circa 220 eligible voters and as at mid-October we have received 40 votes or 19% of the vote.

    There will also be a follow up vote post AGM where members will be asked to vote on

    • Approval of 2019 minutes
    • Formal election of the President, Commodore and Flag Officers
    • Approval of the 2020 accounts

    Look out for the end October Newsletter which has lots of interesting and important information. A big thankyou to Terry Sheppey our Editor for all the Newsletters this year. Please ensure you read the article on Leslie Downing linked to her involvement with the Woolvestone project.

    COVID continues to be a challenge as regulations shift. It is important that the messaging to members is clear and that members understand the club's position to keep members safe.The COVID team continue to do a great job keeping on top of this. Focus from the club has been to reinforce social distancing and remind members that groups should not exceed 6.

    If you have the time spare it would be good to see you at the final Dinghy Park Tie Down Work Party on Saturday 31st October. The event runs from 10 am to 12 and includes a free snack for those present. This is a great way to meet other members even though we are coming to the end of the season. Simon Cusworth is leading this event and would appreciate confirmation of attendance to assist with catering and planning of the event orphone 07743 611086.

    I hope that members find the time to read the information shared on the 7th November covering the AGM and gain a sense of our achievements throughout the year. Given the circumstances there has been a remarkable amount of effort from members and in particular Committee in keeping the club open and activities alive.

    As we approach the close of the season there are now just a few events that remain

    • Dinghy Tie Down Work Party 31st October 2020 from 10am to 12
    • Race Frosties Series 5 final race Sunday 1st November from 2pm
    • Club AGM -7th November by email
    • New Years Day Race and get together at the club Friday 1st January 2021
  • Commodores Blog September 2020

    Following a great summer, it feels like we are turning a corner with some high winds, rain, and a chill in the air. Even so, as COVID continues to impact our lives, the clubhouse is a great place to be for a change of scenery particularly watching the impact of rough weather.

    Thanks to all of those that agreed to update their contact details on the website by changing their profile from Private to Members. This enables other members to communicate with each other internally through the site. If you have not already made the change and wish to do so then please follow the instructions shared or drop a note to

    The club received positive feedback from the Old Gaffers Association who had a great weekend sailing from the club during September. The weather was not as kind as 2019 but nonetheless the event went well with a request to return in 2021. OGA kindly provided a donation to the club which was well appreciated. Further thanks to Stephen Foxall and Anne Dowden who hosted OGA over this weekend and to Richard Pilgrim for the loan of a marque.

    Well done to all SSC members that took place in the recent Brach clean from Martello Tower to Fort Green. 23 kilos of rubbish along this 100-metre stretch of coastline. A second beach clean is planned at some time, details to follow. Refer report on the website

    During the year Committee have been making a few tweaks to the Club rules. It is a worthwhile exercise to revisit the latest version of the rules (September 2020) to ensure members are up to date with the current practice. These can be found on the home page of the website at the foot of the page.

    AGM several discussions have taken place regarding arrangements for our AGM. COVID has severely impacted these arrangements so whilst Committee intend to continue to deliver an AGM the format will be quite different. A notice will be issued and posted in the clubhouse regarding arrangements for a virtual AGM on 7th November 2020.

    Linked to the Constitution a listing has now gone up in the club of all the Committee and Non-Committee roles for population. In addition, there is a facility on this listing to offer your services to support nominated members, help is always welcome. You would have also received a notice requesting members to signal their interest in being part of running the club. Please do not hesitate to step forward and make your intentions known.

    Please make a note in your diary re the last Dinghy Tie Down Work Party for 2020. A great time to ensure that your boat is safe and to finish on a high with regard the image of the club.Saturday 31st October 2020 from 10am to 12am.

    What to look forward to October 2020

    • Dinghy Racing The start of the Frosties Series Every Sunday 4th / 11th / 18th/ 25th October
    • Committee Meeting Zoom Thursday 22ND October from 6.30 pm
    • Dinghy Park Tie Down Work Party - Saturday 31st October
    • Wednesday evening talks have been cancelled due to COVID
  • Commodores Blog August 2020

    Well done to all the Juniors that participated in the Aldeburgh Junior Race week. It
    was great to see so many Slaughden Juniors involved and to hear that they all had
    an enjoyable time followed by a Pizza celebration at the end of the week. Likewise,
    the Adults who raced the following week in the Adult Regatta during some
    challenging conditions.
    Coronavirus is still with us so a further reminder to everyone to continue to sign in
    upon every visit to the club. The club recently had a close call and it was invaluable
    to be able, within hours. pull together a comprehensive list of known members that
    were at the club during a pre- defined period. This information would have been
    passed to NHS Track and Trace to accelerate their contact scheme. Fortunately,
    this was a false alarm but a great test of our process and response time.
    I hope all members enjoyed reading the recent Newsletter. A big thankyou to Terry
    Sheppey for compiling this informative issue and to all those that contributed.
    Please be aware that we have created a number of new dinghy positions in the
    dinghy park to the right hand side of the pedestrian path as you enter the club, In the
    event that members are driving into the club via the drive in gate would you please
    be more vigilant when manoeuvring your vehicle.
    A big thankyou to Stephen Foxall and Anne Dowden for hosting the Old Gaffers
    Association (OGA) over the weekend of 29th / 30th August at Slaughden. At the time
    of writing feedback is pending how the weekend unfolded as there were some strong
    winds and showers to contend with. A further thankyou to Richard Pilgrim for the
    loan and assembly of his marque for this event.
    The Committee will shortly be turning its attention to the AGM which is due in
    November. These events take a lot of planning which is made more complicated with
    the uncertainty of COVID. It is not clear yet whether we will be able to organise an
    event but nonetheless the Committee will need to go through the motions and
    What can we look forward to in September?
    Friday 4th September pm Committee meeting Clubhouse
    Sunday 6th September Slipway Washdown.
    Sunday 6th September Dinghy racing Autumn Series 2.
    Sunday 13th September Dinghy racing Autumn Series 3.
    Sunday 20th September Dinghy racing Autumn Series 4.
    Sunday 27th September Dinghy racing Autumn Series 5.
    Wednesday 30th - Wednesday night Talk
    Note Safety Boat cover required for race series 3 to 5.

  • Commodores Blog July 2020

    Most of what has and is happening at the club will feature in the next Newsletter due to be published soon, so please make a point of using this Newsletter to catch up.

    There is a Work Party on Saturday 1st August from 10 am to 12 am including a free snack. If you have not yet attended one of these events, then please try to go along and meet some of your fellow members and give them a hand. It would be useful if you could let Simon, who is leading this event, know that you intend to be there <>

    The following week on the 8th August from 10am to 12am we have a Slip Way Wash Down where we are looking for 2 more volunteers to help keep the slipway safe. You can volunteer by booking via the Duty Roster or call Dawn on 07715 953149

    It appears that the AYC Junior (and Adult) Regatta will be taking place in August in a slightly diluted form. We hope to have several Slaughden Juniors in this event so why not pop down and cheer them along.

    Generally, our programme of projects has continued to come together this year, so it is great to report that the club is looking in good shape thanks to all the efforts of Committee and support of the members. This is a remarkable result given the impact that COVID has had upon our communities.

    For race enthusiasts we have a 3 event COVID series in the calendar for August, refer to calendar. One of these races finishes with a BYO picnic at Little Japan, all welcome and the other two with a BYO picnic at the clubhouse, all welcome. All proceeds for this series will be donated to the NHS.

    We also have one of our favourite events a race and cruise to Dove Point on Saturday 15th August at 11am followed by a BYO picnic at Dove Point and perhaps a swim in the sea.

    What can we look forward to in August?

    • Saturday 1st August - Dinghy Work Party 10am to 12am
    • Sunday 2nd August - Brudenell COVID race series and Picnic at Little Japan from 11am
    • Saturday 8th August Slipway Washdown from 10am to 12am
    • Sunday 9th August Brudenell COVID race series and Picnic at the Clubhouse from 14.00 hours
    • Monday 10th August to 14th August - AYC Junior Regatta
    • Saturday 15th Dove Point Race / Cruise and Picnic at Dove Point from 11am
    • Sunday 16th to 21st AYC Adult Regatta
    • Saturday 22nd August Brudenell COVID series and Picnic at the Clubhouse from 14.00 hours
    • Saturday 29th August Visit from Old Gaffers Association for a weekend sail
    • Sunday 30th August Autumn series 1 from 11am

    Good luck to all the Slaughden juniors in the AYC Regatta in August

  • Commodores Blog June 2020

    A warm welcome to all new members that have joined the club over the past few months.

    The good news is that the COVID 19 regulations are easing which has enabled options to access the water possible. The Committee and our COVID team deserve a big thankyou for the speed of response in delivering solutions whilst continuing to protect the safety of members. By contrast the Committee would also like to thank all members for their patience and consideration to ensure we remain COVID 19 compliant.

    At the time of writing both casual on the water activity (no safety boat cover) and weekly racing (safety boat cover) exist with training still under review.

    Recent physical changes that you will notice at the club include:

    • The completion of the path with additional sensor lighting. If you look down from the sea wall at the path you can really appreciate what a superb job our Rear Commodore Guy Fleming and volunteers have done.
    • Formal signage on the new boundary fence confirming that parking is strictly for members of SSC. Thanks to Robert Tindall & Dawn Samuels for sourcing these signs.
    • The purchase of a brand new petrol driven power washer to assist slipway washdown events. If you are keen to try the washer out please volunteer for the next slipway washdown on Saturday 11th July.

    The Committee has also given the green light to complete phase 2 & 3 of the dinghy park fencing. The same style of security fence will be used replacing the poor state of the existing boundary fences. Subject to materials lead time work should start from w/c 13th July 2020.

    Please welcome Victoria Cozens and Caron Hill to the role of Dinghy Park Supervisor following the announcement that Martin Lumb will step down. It would greatly help if members ensured that all dinghies and tenders have boat names and SSC displayed at the stern of their boat. This is in accordance with club rules. One early task will be to lay down some additional slots and to review and improve the numbering of existing positions.

    In writing if any member has a dinghy, tender, kayak or windsurfer board at the club, not yet billed for storage, then can you please let Patrick our membership secretary know.

    Calendar Events in July (subject to change, please refer to website calendar)

    • Saturday 04th July - Dinghy Work party (AM / PM)book via Duty Roster
    • Sunday 5th / 12th / 19th / Pursuit racing
    • Saturday 11th July Dinghy Shake out sail / Power boat testing 14.00 to 16.00hrs
    • Saturday 11th July - Slipway Washdown (Volunteers needed)
    • Friday 24th July Committee meeting (Zoom)
    • Sunday 26th July Round the Island Race / to be confirmed


    Peter Samuels

  • Commodores Blog May 2020

    The month of May has brought some cheer with Casual sailing back on the agenda. Providing everyone follows the guidelines things can only further improve. Please thank the COVID Team Leslie Downing / Dave Ashton and Guy Fleming for their efforts in getting the club COVID compliant to enable a return to the water.

    This is all conditioned upon members following the framework published by the club. Namely stay 2m apart, use wipes & sanitiser as appropriate, complete the framework declaration and place in the post box at the club and remember to sign in/out on every visit.

    The Committee are re-working the calendar and discussing options to re-start racing. However, all training is suspended subject to further advice from the RYA. One upside is the fact that no costs were spent on a printed club calendar that would have been out of date before the season really started.

    Two big projects for 2020 that were on our radar at the 2019 AGM were completed in May.

    • 1.The purchase of 16 car parking bays along the main security fence for members only use. (Many thanks to Robert Tindall's perseverance)
    • 2.The laying of a concrete path from the pedestrian gate to the club house ramp. (Many thanks to Guy Fleming for managing this project)

    Reflecting upon our aspirations for 2020, shared at the 2019 AGM, it is clear that some of our ambitions are likely to be impacted by the effects of COVID, particularly the delivery of training and qualification of new instructors. Our aim was to also stabilise membership numbers at 195 where we currently tracking at 183 with the cancellation of our on the water recruitment drive Discover Sailing.

    Nonetheless Committee remain focused upon closing these gaps and will shortly be discussing whether to proceed with Phase 2 and 3 of the Dinghy Park security fencing. This was provisioned in our 2020 budget and due to further deterioration of the existing fence it is an investment we now need to consider.

    It is nice to report that we appear to be on target with regard on-line payments processed through Stripe. You may recall that in our inaugural year we were hoping for 65% of income to come through this mode. We have also set up via our Banking partners on- line payment of expenses with dual authorisation, like the process used for cheques. A slight modification to the wording in the constitution will be required at the next AGM.

    Finally, you may be pleased to learn that we have been successful with an application to Sport England for a COVID related Community Emergency Fund Award. Whilst revenues will be down this year particularly due the cancellation of training courses this award will assist in satisfying outstanding loans to members that were due for payment.

  • Commodores Blog April 2020

    Our thoughts are with all members and their families and hoping that you remain in good health and are coping well during these difficult times.

    The month of April has delivered some unusually hot weather which I am sure has helped lift our spirits. On the one hand the weather has been a welcome surprise and on the other there will be several members frustrated at not being able to take advantage of sailing in these perfect conditions.

    The committee would like to thank all members for adhering to the guidelines and staying away from the club. We have also roped off the slipway to prevent any craft launching. So far this has proven to be effective. A couple of dinghies have unfortunately been seen on the river, to the frustration of the RNLI, although not from SSC.

    2020 membership numbers were looking very promising. One of the main events that allows the club to address membership shortfall is 'Discover Sailing' an RYA sponsored open day for SSC to showcase its facilities. Unfortunately, this event has had to be postponed along with social events and several training courses for both Power Boat and Dinghy sailing. Collectively in 2019 Social and Training events contributed over £6000 to our income stream. Additionally, our target membership for 2020 was 195 memberships, we currently have 181.

    The Committee are equally keen to see a managed easing of the lockdown and hopefully allow members back onto the water. We also hope enough of a window exists to attract new members and to reschedule some of the postponed training courses. One thing is for sure the next Social event is likely to be well subscribed.

    I can share with you that the Committee will be working, in the interest of the club, to seek ways to balance our finances should this lockdown extend beyond the summer. This will include scope to reduce any routine costs whilst in lockdown. Looking at this optimistically the majority of our sailing occurs during the months of May to September, it would be a great result if we could salvage at least 4 of these 6 months, hope for an Indian Summer and feel that 2020 wasn't a bad sailing year, after all.

    However, for now our thoughts are with those that have been impacted by this terrible virus and to all those in the frontline that are working tirelessly and making a huge difference. This includes members of SSC who are Key workers of which some are employed within the NHS.

    Please keep a look out for further announcements regarding our calendar from mid- May forward subject to guidance from the Government and Public Health England.

    Peter Samuels

  • Commodores Blog March 2020

    The key message to all members is to continue to follow the Governments guidelines relating to C19 and to stay safe. To date I have not received any notification of a club member infected by this virus which is a relief.

    All club events as you may have read are either cancelled or postponed until mid- April with further news to follow going into May.

    To clarify the club's position

    • 1. Club House is Out of Bounds
    • 2. Government advice

    Stay at home

    Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)

    If you go out, always stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people

    Wash your hands as soon as you get home

    Do not meet others, even friends or family.

    You can spread the virus even if you don't have symptoms.

    • 3.Access to the dinghy park exists via the pedestrian gate should an emergency arise

    Other developments

    • During March the club received two donations totalling £1000 from a) the RYA to support training and b) Aldeburgh Town Council to support the laying of the path from the pedestrian gate to the ramp leading to the clubhouse. Our thanks to both organisations for their generosity. We are always looking for individuals who can spare some time to approach organisations for financial support. In many cases the application can be one letter outlining the cause and our requirement. We have several worthy causes that warrant support. If you can offer some time (particularly now) want to make a difference and be rewarded with a feel-good factor, then please let me know at <>
    • We have had to stop work on the laying of the path but did managed to mark out and dig the footings in preparation. A big thankyou to Guy Fleming for coordinating these efforts and for the hard work put in by those that attended.
    • Please be informed the weather station is temporarily out of action.
    • There are a few members that have renewed their membership but overlooked their dinghy park fee. Could you please check that you are not one of these and if so, we would be grateful if you could close this out.
    • What's next for members to be aware of
    • Notification of cancellation of further events subject to Government and Public Health England guidance.
  • Commodores Blog Feb 2020

    We are closing out the few outstanding renewals for 2020 and getting a clear view of our financial position for this year. This will enable the Committee to assess whether the club can fund projects on the radar.

    • 1. Additional security fencing = Phase 1 or 2 or both
    • 2. Pathway from the pedestrian gate to the club ramp

    The exciting news for February is the progress and status of the additional land that the club have been seeking to purchase for the past 2 years which offer extended car parking. At the time of writing documents are ready for signing and we hope to have this all locked down by mid March. The cost of this extra land has already been provisioned for in 2020.

    Once concluded we will officially put up suitable signs on the fence to protect parking for members.

    Training for 2020 is front of mind and in line with one of our key themes to get as many people on the water this year. In the calendar for this year

    • 1. RYA L1 & L2 dinghy sailing (weekend courses)
    • 2. RYA Stage 1 and Stage 2 junior dinghy sailing (Tuesday evenings)
    • 3. Novice start racing (Weekends in May)
    • 4. Informal sailing with Leslie D and Luke C (Every Tuesday evening)
    • 5. RYA Power boat and Safety boat courses (Selected weekends)

    All these events are advertised in the calendar.

    Key dates for your diary in March

    • 1. Saturday March 14th Slipway Washdown Lead required for this event.
    • 2. Thursday 19th March Cake and Coffee Morning. This is a new venture where members are invited to the club to get together and enjoy a chat over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.
    • 3. Saturday 21st March First Aid Training. Course is full
    • 4. Saturday 28th March Dinghy Park Work Party. The club has taken a bit of a battering over the winter so your help to tidy things up would be greatly appreciated
    • 5. Saturday 28th March Fitting out supper Don't forget to book this event and soon as food needs to be ordered.
    • *Dinghy Park Work Party Saturday 28th March *
    • No need to sign up just turn up 10am to 12am
    • *Slipway Wash Down Saturday 14th March *
    • Interested in taking the Lead for this event ??
  • Commodores Blog Jan 2020

    Welcome to 2020, which got off to a great start with our Antic Artic race on January 1st. Eight brave sailors went out on New Years day with over 30 members attending the club to celebrate the New Year with hot mulled wine and food. Attendees were more than anticipated so well done to Julia our new Social Secretary for juggling on the day to try to accommodate everyone with food and drink.

    Thank you also to Richard Pilgrim, James Heeley and Fay Allen who manned the Patrol boat in very fresh conditions.

    New Year's Resolutions

    • 1. Hobbies first = get on the water more often in 2020. It was encouraging to learn that some keen dinghy sailors have already been out on the water during January.
    • 2. Volunteering = attending at least one dinghy park work party, slipway washdown or OOD duty. All events are in the calendar on the website.
    • 3. Develop = join in a race, race series or consider a qualification. Another option is to look to develop others. Likewise, for cruisers maybe venture further afield on some of the trips being organised by VC Cruising.
    • 4. Improve = gain confidence, better race starts, better finishing, explore new destinations.
    • 5. Celebrate = Make new friends, share stories, come along to at least one of our Social events.

    That's what success will look like if you commit to some or all these opportunities during 2020. It would be great to publish your achievements throughout this year in our quarterly Newsletter.

    By now you should have all had an invite to renewal your membership. Ideally the club would welcome payment by the end of January in order to plan expenditure for 2020. Payments options include Stripe online, BACS or Cheque. If you are stuck in any way, then just drop an e mail to

    So, what can we look forward to in the first quarter 2020?

    • Friday 7th February Committee meeting
    • Saturday 14th March Slipway Wash down
    • Saturday 21st March First Aid Training
    • Saturday 28th March Dinghy Park Work Party
    • Saturday 28th March Fitting out Supper


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    Commodores Blog Dec 2019

    Our 50 th Anniversary year is coming to an end with the club reporting significant growth in memberships and members in 2019. The challenge for 2020 will be to retain as many members as we can and to seek out new members to replace those that not wishing to renewal.

    Application for membership is now open with the facility to now safely pay online via 'Stripe'

    Post AGM the club have a full management committee with a number of new faces taking up roles. We have an equally strong and ambitious committee for 2020 so will continue to invest in the club for the benefit of members.

    Post AGM there was only one role unfulfilled that of Fund raising. This can be a crucial role as it allows the club to accelerate its development as a result of external donations. Regardless of whether we are able to fill this role if you feel that you can spare some time completing an application for funds then please do get in touch. The more members that are able to take one small project on the greater the probability of success. Please refer to if you can spare some time . Meanwhile two existing Committee members have stepped forward to each progress an application.

    Look out in the Calendar and on the website for the various work parties that are scheduled for 2020. We have increased the number of dinghy park clean up events under the leadership of Simon Cusworth whilst you can apply via bookings on the website to join in a slipway washdown.

    Keeps your eyes open for training, social and sailing events that are populated in the calendar.

    For 2020 the committee are aligned on the following two themes

    • 1.Getting members on the water Driven by our Training / Sailing programme
    • 2.Getting the system & process working effectively / part of workload reduction and reason we have added the Coordinator role

    What can we look forward to in January 2020

    Artic Antic Race on January 01 at 11 am with nibbles and refreshments Happy New Year!

    Please let Julia know if you are attending so that Julia can suitably cater for all attendees. It's a busy time of year so let's give Julia plenty of notice to organise provisions.> You can now also book for 2020 a place on our power boat refresher courses, first aid and RYA dinghy training. The Power Boat / OOD roster is also open for you to book any duties.

    Finally if you are going on a spending spree, on line, in the New Year please consider buying via Easyfunding. There is a link on the website that can then take you through to circa 4000 retailers. You pay the same price but the club receive a donation from the retailer.

  • Commodores Blog Nov 2019

    Hopefully all those that attended the AGM found the event informative and conducted in a positive spirit. Those in attendance learnt that in 2019:

    • Club Membership was up by 9%
    • Members exceeded 300 for the first time since 2015
    • Management Committee had devoted between 1500 and 2000 manhours to the club

    There was much applause and appreciation for the efforts of Committee and Non- Committee who were standing down at this AGM. Correspondingly we welcomed in several new appointments for 2020. Details of your 2020 Committee and Non- Committee will be displayed in the club house and confirmed in the next Newsletter in due course.

    It was encouraging that applications were received for almost all positions prior to the AGM, a brilliant result. I can subsequently share with you that we have received an application for the only vacant Committee role of Rear Commodore. This leaves just one vacant Non- Committee role, Fund Raising, a key position for anyone that wants to make a difference.

    The AGM was a great team event with several Committee members sharing their plans for 2020 in particular the dinghy sailing programme, training plans that look exciting and the introduction of on-line membership payments via Stripe. We also challenged members to share back with Committee what they would like to see for 2020 via the suggestions box.

    Prize giving followed the AGM so well done to all those that participated in events during 2019 and to those that were awarded trophies. Colin Brown our Unsung hero for his magnificent efforts in completing the Veranda and subsequent donation to the club.

    The evening was then set up for a very enjoyable AGM supper attended by nearly 40 members, several of which were new to the club.

    What can we look forward to in December?

    Membership Renewals - Members agreed at the AGM to a small increase in fees for 2020.

    The facility to pay online via Stripe now exists so we are targeting that at least 65% of payments to be made in this way. We would encourage members to consider this method of payment as it significantly reduces the workload of both the Treasurer and Membership Secretary. Reduction in Committee workload is an objective for 2020.

    December 6th Initial Committee Meeting

    January 01 @ 11am - Arctic Antic Race

    Come along to this event (even if you are not sailing) for a New Year's Day drink, some nibbles and to meet fellow members.

    Easy Funding Please note the link in the recent note circulated to members needs to be cut and pasted into your browser to access Easy Funding for Slaughden. Subsequently we have now added a link at the foot of the Slaughden webpage which will take you straight to the account.

    Please note that there is no December Christmas function planned for this year.

  • Commodores Blog Oct 2019

    Not much to report this month although we did have 5 excellent talks on each Wednesday evening throughout October. In some cases we had up to 25 attendees for the talk. The quality of the presentations was very impressive. A big thankyou to all those presenters for doing such a great job and sharing with us your passion.

    October saw a 'tie down' dinghy park work party putting away a number of the club boats, making sure other craft were secure in readiness for any poor weather over winter. Attendance was less than we would have liked (due to half term / unkind weather / something to do with rugby!) but those that were there were very productive. A big thankyou to all those that managed to attend.

    The evening followed with a 'laying up' supper prepared by Dawn our Social Secretary. About 18 people attended for a really pleasant get together with lots of conversation which went on until about 11pm.

    I don't think it will come as a surprise that in November (9th) we have our AGM. All members should have received communication in various ways informing of the programme for the day. The Committee really encourage you to make the effort to come along for what is a very informative and social event providing an opportunity to meet existing and new members.

    Hopefully by the time the AGM comes around we will have had most of the Committee and Non- Committee roles filed. If you would like to be involved as a Committee or Non- Committee member then please let me know, additional support is always welcome.

    Terry Sheppey our News Editor published a Newsletter very recently which I hope you find informative. A copy should have arrived in your mailbox so please take the time to read the content.

    We are also starting to put together the calendar for 2020 so gradually events will start appearing on the website.

    We have plans to include an RYA Level 1 and separately an RYA L2 dinghy course in 2020 based at Slaughden. Di Munro our TPC is just finalising the arrangements with details to follow.

    What can we look forward to in November

    Saturday 9th November

    • Commodores welcome drink for New members
    • AGM
    • Prize Giving
    • AGM Supper If you have not yet booked then please do so as this event closes in the next couple of days. You can either book on the website or e mail. Cost £5 per head.

    SSC race programme Final race of the year Sunday 3rd November 2pm start

    Please note that there is no December Christmas function planned for this year.

  • Commodores Blog Sept 2019

    Well done to all our juniors that have recently undertaken exams. It can be a stressful period, but I hope results matched or bettered your expectations and if not that the outcome provides a useful barometer of what has been achieved and where to focus going forward.

    I must commend all those that took part in the recent dinghy park tidy up. Its amazing what a difference a couple of hours hard graft can make spread amongst an enthusiastic pool of volunteers. A fantastic outcome for the enjoyment of all members. For those unable to attend on this occasion there is a follow up work party event 'dinghy tie down' on Saturday 26th October, once again at 10.00hrs. Please put the date in your calendar, further details to follow.

    Following an invite from EDF a group of members attended the EDF Family day in Leiston. The intention was for SSC to engage with the local community, make them aware of our existence and share information in terms of participating in the sport of sailing. We towed down and displayed 3 boats, put up signs and flags and dealt with several enquiries from the public. The afternoon was a good success with at least 3 new memberships and a list of potential members. A big thankyou to all those club members that supported the event.

    If you were around at the club over the weekend of 14th / 15th September, you may have seen the stunning sight of 8 Gaffer sailing rigs launching from Slaughden. The club entertained the Old Gaffer Association (OGA) East Coast Region over the weekend, as visiting sailors. A big thankyou to Stephen and Anne Foxall who volunteered to act as hosts for this occasion described by OGA as a 'Perfect Weekend Event Aldeburgh Rally 2019. Have a look at the following link where you can read a brief report, photos and a YouTube video link.

    Finally, a BIG reminder that the club AGM is on Saturday 9th November. This event is combined with Prize giving and the AGM supper. Please look out for details and convince yourself to attend as this is a very informative session about the progress of your club which allows members to ask questions on the day.

    A key feature of the AGM is to appoint volunteers to fulfil Committee and Non-Committee posts. All positions are traditionally vacant at the end of every year, so this is an opportunity to perform a more influential role in the running of the club. Having churn of Committee positions is healthy for the club so it would be great to see some applications from recent and new members, so don't be shy!

    Role profiles exist for all positions whilst existing Committee members would welcome any approaches to outline the requirements of the job. Please contact me if you would like more information.

    What can we look forward to in October?

    Club Talks On most Wednesday's throughout October there are club talks planned. Wednesday 2nd / 9th / 16th 23rd.These all start at 7pm and cover a wide range of interesting topics. Details have been published and are on the website. Bookings via the website would be appreciated to get a feel for numbers for catering.

    Friday 25th October at 7pm Committee meeting

    Saturday 26th October Dinghy Park Tie Down Work Party from 10 am

    Saturday 26th October Laying Up Supper 50th Anniversary Please book attendance via the website.

    SSC race programme refers to Calendar

  • Commodores Blog August 2019

    Congratulations to our Juniors who participated in the AYC Regatta. A really spirited effort in some very challenging conditions. This was a learning curve that will have helped all those that took part and benefited them all in one way or another. Well done to Richard Stevens for bringing home some silverware and to all others for some credible race performances. The Juniors would also like to express a big thank you for the support of all the parents that were present throughout the week.

    The SSC Juniors celebrated their efforts in being part of this event with an evening out at Prezzo.

    Aldeburgh School Sports day was a big success with about 22 children being taken onto the water by various club members in Wayfarers. Feedback from many of these kids was 10 / 10 for sailing, the best event of the week! Thanks to Leslie for coordinating this session and all those that helmed on the day, namely Hillas S, Martin L and Peter L along with help from Lizzie C and Simon C who helped launch and recover boats. It was also great that we could call upon our new buoyancy aids which were purchased as a result of a donation form Aldeburgh Town Council in 2019.

    The weather during most of August has been wonderful (although very windy during the Junior Regatta). Consequently, it has been great to see so many members using the facilities at the club and creating a lively atmosphere. It is also good to report that membership keeps on growing with enquiries being received on a frequent basis. Andrew Freese our Membership Secretary has done a great job keeping on top of these and all other changes that need to be managed.

    You may have noticed that the old deflated rib Patch and trailer have now departed from the club as will the Sand Hopper day boat in the compound. The club secured in total £1040 for these disposals much of which will go into our training budget for a new boat(s).

    If you are around on Saturday 7th September SSC have a pitch at the Sizewell Station Family day from 13.00 to 18.00 hours. Pop along and say hello if you are in the area or would like to volunteer – refer to Dawn S.

    Also see below we have 2 fabulous Club Talks by Robert and Nigel – Be sure to diarise these and come along. Please let Robert and Nigel know respectively if you plan to attend.

    What can we look forward to in September?

    • Friday 6th September pm – Committee meeting Clubhouse
    • Saturday 7th September – Sizewell Station Family Day 13.00 hours to 18.00 hours. Slaughden Sailing Club will be represented.
    • Friday 13th to 22nd September RYA Southampton Boat Show
    • Saturday 21st September Club Talk and Supper (Fish and Chips) Painting Suffolk Landscapes in oils by Robert Tindall. 19.00 to 21.00 hours.
    • Wednesday 25th September Club Talk and Supper. The History of Orfordness from WW1 to Present day by Nigel Hemmings 19.00 to 21.00 hours.
    • SSC race programme refer to Calendar

    At the time of writing the dinghy park tidy up work party was imminent on 31st August. I hope this goes well, attendance is good and outcome productive.

  • Commodores Blog July 2019

    The big event in July which did not go unnoticed was our 50th Anniversary that took place over the weekend of 28th & 29th July. We had over 50 people attending both days at the club for a complimentary Picnic on 28th and Sail Past and complimentary BBQ on 29th.

    Following some glorious weather leading up to this weekend conditions turned unfavourable on Saturday 28th for the race to Dove Point and Picnic on the beach.An uninvited squall, dark clouds with heavy rain arrived as arrangements were being discussed. This persuaded us to hold the Picnic in the clubhouse which in turn impacted the course of the race so that everybody finished up in the same location…..…….

    Given the conditions all 8 dinghies participated in the race such was the spirit that the weather was not going to get the better of us. A course was set to Orford and back that was thoroughly enjoyed by all those that took part. In addition a number of cruisers were also on the water. There then followed a very pleasant picnic in the club with good conversation until late afternoon with events for some extending to late evening finishing at the White Hart in the town.

    Sunday arrived with no rain and a pursuit race in the morning leading up to THE BIG EVENT at 1pm. Circa 54 people in 26 Cruisers, Dinghies, Displacement boats and Ribs mustered at Martello Tower for a Sail Past Slaughden Sailing Club. The fleet was headed by our President Kay Lasky in Curlew whilst we were joined by some members of Aldeburgh Yacht Club.

    26 craft were enough to make a colourful and noisy impact with flags, bunting, hooters and even what looked like a hunting horn in one boat on the water. Some great photos were taken by spectators on the shore that now feature in the Gallery on the website. Look out for the launch of the Video that will follow later this year!

    The atmosphere in the club was fabulous over the two days finishing off with a toast to the founders of the club with a glass of Pimm's, a very enjoyable BBQ and some great raffle prizes donated by several local businesses.

    The weekend was a great success thanks to the efforts of many of our members from planning and organising, sourcing the food, preparation and cooking, communication, grass cutting, slipway washing, clearing away, safety boat cover, OOD, raffle prizes, photography, putting up and taking down marque and so on. This involved commitment from more than 20 members which helped make the event such a memorable success. – A HUGE THANKYOU

    What can we look forward to in August?

    • 1ST August School Sports Day Aldeburgh Town Council (Thursday) – sailing at SSC
    • 3rd August – Brudenell Day Races (Saturday)
    • 10th August Slipway Washdown – Volunteers needed, can be done any day
    • 12-16th August AYC Junior Regatta
    • 18-23rd August AYC Adult Regatta
    • 19th August Aldeburgh Carnival (Monday)
    • SSC race programme refer to Calendar

    Good luck to all the Slaughden juniors in the AYC Regatta in August

  • Commodores Blog June 2019

    Not much to report from my side as I have been travelling most of June. However I see that we are continuing to attract interest and new members via the website which is great news. A very warm welcome to all those that have recently joined.

    Now that the weather is beginning to turn the Committee and in particular Dave Ashton our VC Dinghies would love to see a growing number of boats on the water and attending race events. A particular call out to new members Guy and Max Flemimg who are relatively new to sailing but are setting a fantastic example by attending most informal and race events to improve their skills, well done Guy and Max.

    Our Topper Fun Race had to be cancelled in June due to the weather but keep an eye out as this will be back in the calendar soon.

    Look out for what is going on in July

    It's a busy training month with 3 RYA L1 & 2 Powerboat courses and an RYA L1 & 2 Dinghy course. Details are in the calendar and on the website with one or two slots still available but you need to move fast !

    Slipway wash down Volunteers needed for Saturday 13th July- have you done your bit yet.

    In addition to our race programme there is a Ladies helm and novice race on Saturday 13th July.


    Hard code the weekend of Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th into your diary as we have various events going on to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. The aim is to get 50 boats out onto the water supported by a Picnic cruise and social events. Want to know more refer to the calendar or e mail <>

  • Commodores Blog May 2019

    Betty Brown

    It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Betty Brown following a short illness. Bettys celebration of her life was held on Thursday 23rd May and attended by members of Slaughden Sailing Club.

    Betty and Maurice Brown were both very hard working and committed members of the club for many years, if not from its foundation.

    Push the Boat Out

    One of the most successful Push the Boat Out events at the club with circa 64 people attending on the day. Opportunities to sail in dinghies, cruisers or to launch a Kayak , Canoe or Paddle board were on offer.

    A huge thankyou to all of the volunteers on the day of which there were about 30 and in particular to Dawn our Social Secretary for planning and allowing us to execute such a smooth and efficient event. Already the event has contributed positively to our membership numbers.

    The new buoyancy aids (15 in total) that we purchased following a donation from Aldeburgh Town Council came in particularly useful.

    Italian Night

    26 members attended a very enjoyable Italian night dinner and a big welcome to any 'first timers' that attended. The main course selection was scrumptious as were the wonderful selection of Italian puddings that followed. A big thanks to all those that assisted in the preparation of the food and sweets and for making the evening go so well.


    Tuesday night Adult support and Teenage sailing sessions have started and are being very well supported. If you are interested in coming along then please talk to Leslie who will be able to outline the format.

    Congratulations to the following members that have successfully qualified for their RYA Power Boat Level 2 – Richard Stevens, Richard Thompson and Scott Hunt. In addition to Daisy Hyland from Orford sailing club who passed the RYA Safety Boat course and consequently qualified as a Senior Dinghy Instructor for Orford.

    The RYA course enabled us to test the new Honda engine on our larger rib. Suffice to say all went well and we now have two excellent support boats. You may also notice we have a brand new purpose built launch trailer for Pegasus which is stored in the rib shed. A big thankyou to David Pegg for the design and manufacture of this trailer which comes with a trailer winch for ease of recovery.

    Dinghy Race events

    Attendance is looking very positive to date with abig thanks to Dave Ashton for circulating reminders – let's keep it going and make the effort to join in as many races as you can.

    Look out for what is going on in June

    • Let's have as many attendees participating in a new event dropped into the calendar for Saturday 8th June – Topper fun race. Its open to everyone and if successful could be repeated later in the year.
    • RYA Power boat course on 8th / 9th June – 1 vacancy still to fill
    • Saturday 15th June AYC Wayfarer Regatta – SSC members welcome.
    • Saturday 15th June Snape Cruise and Picnic
    • Saturday 22nd June – Round the Island race
    • Volunteers needed for Slipway Washdown refer to the Calendar
  • Commodores Blog April 2019

    A big thankyou to all those members that attended the club house work party in March. Cruiser members were out in force and made up the majority of the task force painting the rib shed, cleaning the slipway and tidying up the foreshore. Given that we have a larger percentage of dinghy members then it would be fair for those members, not at the work party in March. to volunteer for slipway washdown duties particularly if you are a frequent user of the slipway.

    Slipway washdown dates are in the calendar so please select an event and let Martin Lumb know which date suits on. 01728 605601 / 07740704778

    The club grounds I hope you agree are looking really great.

    A successful March

    • The Fitting out supper was a splendid evening and although this was oversubscribed we managed to squeeze everyone in. Well done to Dawn for organising a great kick off to the social scene and thanks to all those that brought along deserts.
    • RYA L2 Powerboat course – This course was fully subscribed and enabled the club to bank in excess of £1000. Congratulations to the following members that successfully completed the course – Helen Allen, James Heeley, Aubrey Pearson and Adrian Galea. We also had 2 external candidates on the course.
    • SSC are grateful to Aldeburgh Town Council who have donated £500 to the club which we intend to use for the purchase of 10 new buoyancy aids. These will come in very useful at the Aldeburgh schools week and for training – many thanks ATC.
    • You may have read the notice that we have purchased a brand new 40hp Honda engine for our larger rib……….. just when we thought that we had put a cap on spending, the note explains the background. It is anticipated that rib and new engine will be on the water w/c 13.05.2019.

    What's to look out for in May

    The big event for May is RYA Push the Boat Out on 5th May 2019. A significant amount of effort has gone into organising this event to allow people to get out onto the water. Apart from local advertising, articles have featured on the front page of Aldeburgh Gazette and also on Suffolk Radio.

    There is still time to get involved as we anticipate a busy day so if you are able to pop down to support please speak to Dawn beforehand on 07715 953149

    • Plenty of dinghy race events including Wednesday evening AYC racing – refer to the on line Calendar for latest information
    • Adult support and teenage sailing every Tuesday pm – speak to Leslie Downing
    • RYA training – L1 dinghy course, L2 Powerboat course (full), Safety boat course – book online
    • Iken cruise and picnic & Little Japan cruise and picnic – refer calendar for dates
    • Italian night pop up supper Saturday 25th May – Book early as the previous event was over subscribed !
    • AYC Spring Regatta Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May
  • Commodores Blog March 2019

    The theme for 2019 as we have reported is the image of the club. Taking our foot off spending as we have resolved most 'big ticket' items outlined in our vision statement. This also requires a greater focus upon promoting our income streams whilst controlling expenditure.

    With that in mind what a great result following the recent Dinghy Park Work Party. The output from the 16 or so volunteers that attended, produced a brilliant outcome with the Dinghy Park looking the best it has done for a long time. Incorporating the completion of balcony decking, new dinghy park layout and new fence makes the whole site feel so much more spacious and neater, I hope you agree.

    A few call outs for Martin our Dinghy Park Supervisor for organising the day, Leslie for feeding the team, Adam DB and Richard P for their efforts in completing the decking on the veranda.

    For those that were unable to attend there is a Clubhouse Work Party and free lunch on Saturday 13th April at 10am. So many members in one way or another contribute to the upkeep and running of the club for the benefit of all members, so this is an opportunity to do your bit if you have not yet been involved. E mail Adam at

    Other things worth sharing

    • We have transferred the Honda engine from Patch our redundant power boat to our recently acquired back up power boat.This task was undertaken by members of the club namely Richard P and Paul G. A huge thankyou to both Richard and Paul, we continue to be amazed by the scope of skills that exist in the club and the willingness of members to offer up these skills.
    • Following a recent Committee meeting it was decided to name our 2 new Power boats as follows a) the 5.2m Rib that we acquired last year from Broadstairs Sailing Club 'Harry D 2' b) the recent 2019 purchase of the Zodiac Rib 'Pegasus'.
    • What's next for members to be aware of
    • RYA Power boat refresher course – Full
    • Fitting Out Supper Saturday 6th April – Full with 30 sittings, we may be able to squeeze one or two more in by special arrangement, speak to Dawn
    • RYA L2 Power Boat course between Friday 12th (pm) and Sunday 14th April – 1 slot available refer to
    • RYA Push the Boat Out Sunday 5th May – Volunteers needed to welcome potential members and Wayfarer Helms refer to
    • RYA Level 1 – Introduction to sailing course between Friday 10th May (pm) to Sunday 12th May – Slots still available refer to;
  • Commodores Blog end February 2019

    It felt only last week I was writing my end January blog, where did February disappear to!

    What's new to see down at the club

    • New Security Fence and parts of the old fencing removed.
    • New replacement Power Boat

    Adam DB / Martin L have been down making some running repairs, Andrew F approaching the end of membership renewals - what a brilliant job he has done getting us all signed up.

    News – Looks like we will be running 2 RYA Dinghy Courses this year. RYA L1 in May and RYA L2 in July 2019. Look out for updates on the website, in the club and Newsletter.

    What's next for members to be aware of

    • OOD training / refresher on Friday 15th March at 19.00 hours – come and learn how it is done and get involved
    • Slipway wash down – Saturday 16th March refer to Martin Lumb
    • Dinghy Park Work Party – All hands needed for a massive Spring Clean that is really going to make a difference. Bring along some garden tools on Saturday 23rd March from 09.30 see Newsletter and posters in the club.
    • There is also a Juniors work party on the same day to spruce up training boats
    • Early April Power Boat refresher courses and Fitting out supper – both can be booked on line.

    Dial up to the website to ensure you are up to date with any calendar changes

    Peter Samuels


  • Commodores Blog End January 2019

    Welcome to a New Year which started in fine form with our New Year's Day race attended by 12 dinghies, a good wind and the joy of no moored boats on the river. This was followed by mulled wine, soup and mince pies.

    I hope that you are all getting used to our new website and have found navigating around, processing of your renewal, selecting duty rosters and booking events not too onerous. The platform gives the club a lot more transparency and access to information significantly quicker.

    Keep dialling up every now and then to catch up on the latest news. If you have not picked up your pocket size calendar listing all events then please talk to Andrew Freese. Copies of these can be made available for you at the club.

    By the time you read this article our new security fence will be in the process of being erected along the parameter of the extended dinghy park. Our aim for Phase 2 of this project is for the costs to be funded from the commissions you will help us earn from Easy Funding- (see below). The faster we can generate the funds the sooner we can complete this phase.

    Membership numbers from renewal data are looking really strong thanks to the efforts of Andrew Freese our membership secretary. Given that this is a volunteers club what we now need is a high turnout for the Dinghy Park Work Party on Saturday 23rd March. A theme for this year is to improve the image of the club and this is a perfect event to make this happen. Please make the effort to come along and you will be rewarded with a free lunch!

    For racers and non- racers there is a OOD training session on Friday 15th March at 19.00 hours. We need more members to learn how to cover OOD for race events so please book yourself in via the site for this event. We have 2 booked places so far and we would like to increase this to 20 !

    Finally and relevant to the future of the club and facilities we can offer is the need to find somebodies who are willing to investigate Fund Raising opportunities and someone able to manage the promotion of the club as Press Officer. These key roles can help bring funds into the club and swell membership numbers. They can really make a difference – YOU can really make a difference. Please get in touch with me for a discussion.

    Have you signed up to Easy Fundraising yet – don't hesitate it an easy way for the club to generate funds. If you are not sure how to then let me know.


  • Commodores Blog December 2018

    2018 saw a number of developments that should make the club stronger and better prepared to respond to future challenges. In particular our focus upon training saw the qualification of a number of Dinghy and Assistant Instructors whilst we also invested in a future proof Lead Safety boat. However one of the most significant decisions was to upgrade our Website which is planned to launch end November, early December 2018.

    A significant amount of time has been invested in the back office development of this management system and we hope that you are pleased with the shop window view and functionality that this new site will deliver, such as – online renewal and booking events, selecting your own roster for Power / Safety boat and OOD.

    The club finished the year on a high with all Committee posts being filled at the AGM in readiness for 2019. We do however have some Non Committee posts that remain vacant, namely

    1. Fund Raising – seeking out options to secure grant aid

    2. Press Officer – linking up with local publications and promoting awareness for SSC

    3. Bosun – pre-check of training dinghies and organising to maintain and repair throughout theseason.

    These are all essential roles and whilst we had a great response from members that attended the AGM (circa 30% of members) we need to reach out to the 70% that unfortunately could not be there but that would be willing to give one of these roles a go.

    In addition we are looking for a) any DIY enthusiasts that can become part of a Core Team helping the Rear Commodore maintain and improve the club house b) Catering and organisational skills to be part of the Core Team helping the Social Secretary with events throughout the year.

    For all of the above roles please drop me a line for a chat where I can explain the requirements.

    Next event – Artic Antic Race on January 01 at 11 am with Lunch / Festive Fare – Happy New Year!

    Finally please remember as you consider buying your Christmas presents on line to do this via the Slaughden Sailing Club 'e shop'. This is just a link that will then take you to the retailers site but for which the club will earn a commission from the retailer. Shop here

    On behalf of the Committee we wish members a very Merry Christmas and look forward to an eventful 2019.

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