RYA Powerboat L1 & 2
The club offer RYA Level 1&2 Powerboat courses based upon demand. Courses are normally held over one weekend with a theory session on Friday evening. Additionally courses can be organise mid- week subject to arrangement. Each course requires a minimum of 3 candidates and a maximum of 6.
Successful candidates will be awarded the RYA Level 2 Powerboat certificate. For members this will enable them to drive the club's safety boats. The course is open to club and non- club members who will need to enrol as temporary members.
Because our instructors give their time for free, we can offer this course to members at a lower price than commercial training schools. If a club member completes this course and then undertakes five safety boat duties they can reclaim a % of the course fee.
Minimum age for Level 1 is 8 years and for Level 2 12 years.
For fees please refer to courses and fees 2024
Typical Course Content
Theory session
- Expectations
- Theory Navigation and passage planning / Wind and Tide / Buoyage / Weather / Personal Buoyancy and Clothing / Knots / Types of Craft / Anchors / Flares.
- Collision Regulations COLREG's
- Emergency procedures
- Communication VHF radio
- Safety and First Aid
- Coachingstyle
- Key tips Do's and Dont's
Day 1
- 5 key Elements what the instructors are looking out for.
- Arrival routine
- The Power Boat / Controls / Kill Cord
- Pre launch checks
- Launching and recovery
- Boat Handling / Pivot Points
- Slow Speed Manoeuvres
- Coming alongside and leaving
- Holding off
- Picking up a Buoy
- Man Over Board / Anchoring
Day 2
- Refresher as above
- Turning in confined spaces
- Turning on warps
- High Speed turns
- Towing
- Basic recovery (Safety Boat Course)
- Test
Last updated 14:43 on 4 March 2024