Training overview
Training is a very important part of club activities. SSC is affiliated to the Royal Yacht Association and is one of the 2,200 accredited RYA Training Centres in more than 44 countries. This means that training is carried out by RYA certified Instructors and Assistant Instructors. In addition, the Training Principal and Senior Instructors are able to assess students and award RYA qualifications as appropriate. Insurance restrictions mean that training is only available to members or temporary members of SSC.
SSC is also committed to training young people to sail and we hold weekly 'teen age sailing' training sessions during the season leading to 1-3 RYA certification.
The club holds outreach events - for example, for clubs and schools.
Of course, the backbone of the training programme is the trainers themselves. Without their commitment the programme would soon founder.
RYA Courses
Slaughden Sailing Club offers training courses leading to the following RYA qualifications. We should point out though, that we are not a commercial training establishment and courses only take place if there is sufficient demand and enough suitably qualified instructors with the time to spare!
RYA Level 1 Start Sailing
Getting Afloat - An introduction to the sport, covering the minimum knowledge required to get afloat under supervision. It will give you a basic understanding of boat handling techniques and background knowledge.
RYA Level 2 Basic Skills
The Foundations of the Sport - Becoming a competent sailor in light winds with an introduction to sailing techniques and manoeuvres, rigging, launching, safety, capsize recovery and basic rules of the water.
RYA L1 & L2 Powerboat Course
This two-day course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence. It includes close quarters handling, high speed manoeuvres, man overboard recovery and collision regulations. Your certificate will be endorsed for competency in tidal waters.
RYA Safety Boat Course
This two-day course provides the skills required when acting as an escort craft, safety boat or coach boat for a fleet of dinghies and for racing or training activities. You will need to hold the RYA Level 2 Powerboat certificate to do this course.
First Aid Course
This one-day course is designed to provide a working knowledge of first aid for people using small craft and to support skippers. Instructors must keep their First Aid certification up to date (3 yearly update) to validate their instructors certification. All Safety boat crews must include at least one member with a First Aid certificate.
Please see the Sailing Club Programme, for dates of the courses we are running this year. For further details contact Peter Samuels
Last updated 15:56 on 10 January 2022