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Home / JOIN US / Dinghy Hire Agreement & Booking Form 2025
Home / JOIN US / Dinghy Hire Agreement & Booking Form 2025

Dinghy Hire Agreement & Booking Form 2025


Dinghy Hire Agreement

The following club boats are available to club members only:

Wayfarers (3) @ £15 per day (booking for racing series contact Peter Lock or Leslie Downing)

Fevas (2) and Laser Pico's (6) @ £10 per day

Toppers (5) @ £5 per day or £50 for a season (usage to be booked via the booking form)

Hire of boats for AYC Regatta by separate agreement which includes temporary membership.

Hire of boats for Slaughden races £5 per race

Buoyancy aids can be hired at £1 per day per person

Approval to use the boats for the current year must be sought from either a member of the Training Team or RC Dinghies. Users must have a minimum of RYA L2 or similar experience. For new members hiring Wayfarers or existing members that are not familiar with sailing Wayfarers it will be necessary to undertake a provisional outing with a club instructor. This is for the benefit of the hirer to test capability, explain the particulars of the boat and river. The same may apply for RS Feva's accompanied by an Assistant Instructor. Boats can be hired and helmed by competent full or temporary members who may not have RYA L2 via a 'one-to-one' scheme under the direct supervision of a DI, subject to availability. The member is responsible for the hire of the boat.

Individual approvals will stipulate which club boats you may use and a form of approval (in this document) completed. Club training and club events will take priority over use of boats.

The final decision as to whether you take a boat out will be up to you once approval is given. You should sail within your own ability and take note of the weather forecast and river conditions. Sailing on the sea is not permitted. As the person hiring the boat, you have a duty of care to yourself, any crew, and the club boat being hired. Prior to use, the hirer should inspect the boat and note any defects: If these deem the boat unsuitable for use then the hirer will receive a refund of the hire fee. Any defects should be noted in this file and the Bosun informed. Where appropriate the hirer may be asked to assist in fixing the problem.

Booking and Paying

Members hiring a club boat must reserve the boat they require. Reservations can be made through the club coordinator who can forward a Dinghy hire agreement , associated terms and verify requirements. Bookings are per day, series, or season see fees above. Income will be used for maintaining and improving club boats. Payment of hire is by invoice sent electronically paid on- line via Stripe or BACS.

Club boats are checked regularly BUT all helms should check the boat themselves before sailing and report any problems to the Bosun using the white board in the OOD office.

In the event of damage:

The hirer will be responsible for the cost of the insurance excess if the damage is funded through an insurance claim. The hirer will continue to be responsible for the cost of the damage up to the value of the excess where no insurance claim was processed.

Dinghy Hire Agreement Terms and Conditions

  • 1. Only club members are entitled to launch from the club unless otherwise agreed via the Club Coordinator who may need to seek approval from Committee
  • 2. All members hiring club boats do so at their own risk and must adhere to the guidelines, terms and conditions in the Dinghy Hire Agreement.
  • 3. All club boats and members are covered by insurance for 3rd party loss and damage (subject to payment of excess in the event of loss or damage), public liability and personal injury.
  • 4. COMPLETED BOAT HIRE FORMS AND PAYMENT WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE HIRE PERIOD. (Download & complete the document below & leave on the desk in the OoDs Office)
  • 5. For regular boat hire during the season please make this known to the club coordinator to avoid having to complete a form on every occasion.
  • 6. All participants must wear an industry approved Buoyancy Aid and or Life Jacket and suitable clothing for the conditions on the day of hire.
  • 7. Unless the hire period coincides with a formal club sailing event there will be no Patrol boat cover provided.
  • 8. The hirer should have with them a means of communication in the event that they are unable to return to the club safely.
  • 9. For Tuesday evening informal sailing all club boats are free (excludes any 1 to 1 coaching sessions)
  • 10. Any boat hired as part of a 1 to 1 coaching session, supervised by a qualified Dinghy Instructor to be charged at the boat hire rates above.

Last updated 3/7/24 by Peter Samuels


Last updated 11:45 on 27 November 2024

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